
  • After having co-existed for almost a century, the Swiss Skischool & the Alpine Center decided to join forces to become Zermatt’s most proficient Outdoor Agent with over 350 professionals delivering Unique Experiences.

  • During my internship in 2016, I assessed the needs and researched risks & opportunities for a successful merger and potential re-branding.

    After my studies, I joined the Team in 2019 as full-time Brand- & Product Developer researching and defining the requirements for the future brand & services.

    Subsequently, switched roles to a Design Manager for the creation of the digital environment from early stage research until functional deployment.

    On this project, we were a core Team of five people representing the vision and needs of ZERMATTERS. Overall 15 people were involved to finalize this complex project.

    The Cooperative was registered in May 2019 and our digital projects were live & fully operative in fall that year.

    *I continue to help the brand’s strategic development within the steering committee. Occasionally, you find me on a ZERMATTERS Outdoor Adventure as Snowsports Instructor or Freeride guide with our much appreciated guests.

  • ZERMATTERS is the result of a successful yet complex merger and branding process.

    As a tour operator, ZERMATTERS assumes direct responsibility for its offers throughout the entire customer journey with the necessary competence in all Outdoor Sports around Zermatt. The business thus distinguishes itself from pure mediation providers.

  • …or rather: “CHALLENGESSSSSS”.

    Both associations have a long history and even longer list of traditions. Albeit being strong in daily operations, there were troubles to elaborate a strategic outlook. Especially considering the prospect of having external professionals involved in this process.

    Thus, how might we ease skepticism and convince all members to unite synergies?

    Extensive evidence-based research and discussion panels were necessary (2+ years) to lay the foundation.

    Choosing the right external partners, aligning expectations and enabling an inclusive yet constructive environment was key.

    Another challenge was co-developing a brand which on the one hand considers and represents the traditions and on the other hand fosters innovation to meet the customers’ needs and future trends.

    Finally, coordinating the development within a complex technological environment across three external teams while keeping up with daily operations in a small Team. This required a “Special Forces approach” to meet the deadlines before the peak season, .

  • 1) Multi-Level / Multi-Everything Approach

    Implementing a wide array of elements within the Design Area, combined with Business Development, all spiced up with Politics, helped me hone my communications skills.
    Especially when talking about Design with Non-Dǝsigners.

    2) No plan survives contact with reality

    Make sure your design brief is as sharp as an obsidian blade when working with external developers!
    Iteration is great and necessary. However, to avoid costs getting out of hand, the technical requirements at one stage need to be clearly defined.

    An easy formula to remember:
    “Doing/ including/ … (X), measured by (Y), solves (Z)”

    3) Know who you are designing for & with

    We set out on a quest to fulfill the needs on three fronts: The guests (thousands), the associates (hundreds) and the dozen staff in our home base.

    • (re)branding can be very intimidating for people in an organization – especially when traditional mindsets are involved.

    • Select your stakeholders carefully and make sure everybody understands their role(s) in the process.
      Defining their relevance is key to enable a smooth process.

    • Incremental positive changes can only be achieved, if the people we design for, are included in an iterative approach.
      Practice inclusive UX Research and gain as often & much relevant feedback.

    • Never underestimate the potential of a small Team – or any human being in fact.

    So, did it work out?
    Could we have done better?
    For sure, but is an iterative process, right? RIGHT??

    (*I guess here is where we’re allowed to brag a bit hum-hum)

    We were nominated for the 2019 Swiss Milestone for Excellence in Tourism. Sales increased by 20% and we were on track for a record year if it hadn’t been for the small things…


Video: ZERMATTERS partners up with Acommit

Before: Alpine Center / Swiss Ski- & Snowboardschool Zermatt

*Detailed materials are subject to the non-disclosure agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Process & Workflow

Double Diamond Process

Many processes would have suited this project since it is both user-centric and very tech driven. Overall, I feel most comfortable with the Double Diamond Design Process.
It allows both a simple and flexible project management. Plus, it is easy to communicate and apply with people, who are less familiar with Human Centered Design.
Perhaps most importantly: it has an iterative process.

Double Diamond Design Process

Double Diamond Design Process

Who are we designing WITH and FOR?

We set out with a simple Vision Statement:
To be Zermatt’s Go-To tour operator and employer for outdoor Experiences

Subsequently, the Design Challenge was:
“How might we achieve [that]?”

In order to kick-off the Design Process, we did:

  • to map out all possible stakeholders (and respective role, expectations, influence, interest) involved in the Design Process.

    Besides creating an aligned environment, it allowed to identify & resolve political hurdles early onwards.

  • this reflection process allowed us to identify shared, perceived and desirable values amongst the organizations.

    Furthermore, it would depict how these organizations were perceived both internally (guides, staff) and externally (guests, partners).

    These insights would be fundamental for the future brand guidelines.

  • With both qualitative (Interview) and quantitative Data (Booking statistics /CRM) we aimed to identify and understand our main audiences (guests) and create their representation by means of Persona Creation.

    The main purpose behind this step, was to align all stakeholders and create a common understanding, who we are designing FOR.

  • to understand how our customers, discover, choose, book, purchase receive , feel & talk about our offers.

    Furthermore, we created a service blueprint to identify (current & future) touch points between customers and the organization(s).

  • to identify our most desirable and promising revenue streams, update our portfolio and discover blind spots for future product innovation.

  • Last but not least, we benchmarked ourselves against local, regional, national and international competitors (SWOT Analysis).

    *Fun fact: We identified Cruises as a competitor on an international scale.

Double Diamond Process Discover Phase

Double Diamond: Discover Phase

Tools used:

  • Stakeholder Mapping

  • Qualitative Interviews

  • Ethnographic Research

  • Persona Creation

  • Customer Journey / Service Blueprint

  • Vision / Mission Board

  • Trend Analysis

  • BCG / GE-McKinsey Matrix

  • Value Proposition Design

What are the priorities?

The evaluated analysis advocated the merger of the two organizations.
Furthermore, a re-branding would significantly help to create market traction, renew or strengthen partnerships and root out toxic politics or habits.

At this point the organizations’ members actually became our “primary clients” we would be designing with & for.

(These insights contributed to the biggest focus shift in the process!)

Therefore we defined & prioritized the following „requirements“:

  • First, the entire business history and formalities had to be brought to light.

    Then possible legal forms need to be evaluated.

    Finally the bureaucratic procedures kicked-in (vote, liquidations etc)

    *For these steps, we consulted for professional advice.

  • How is the management & company structured?

    How can we make the hierarchy more flat & lean?

    How can a structure be put into place that allows an agile & organic growth?

  • Establish Timeline, SMART Goals, allocate in-house competencies and create project briefs for external expertise.

    Define the „building blocks“ (Merger, Service & Products, brand development, feedback systems)

    *At that point, convincing members to shift was more important than elaborating all the technical details of the outcome.

  • We asked ourselves, how might we:

    • convince all members to join forces?

    • integrate traditions while keeping ourselves open towards innovation?

    • streamline our product portfolio (200+ variations)?

    • foster our qualities & strengths as locals?

    • ensure that daily operations will run smoothly during this shift?

Double Diamond Process Define Phase

Double Diamond: Define Phase

Tools used:

  • “How might we” – questions

  • Critical Items Diagram

  • Storytelling

  • Vision Cone (past - present - future)

  • Organizational Design

  • Voting Matrices

A new association is born

Initial assemblies paved the way for the rebranding & merger process. Now, it was time to create a new identity.

With the help of external partners, we co-developed the concept for what would become “ZERMATTERS”.

The new brand was communicated internally in fall 2017.

  • In order to convince the members, a Corporate Identity and „New Story“ were presented. They highlight both Tradition & Innovation.

  • Develop an action plan for the immediate future (1-3 years).

    Members were invited to sign up as co-creators of this strategy committee. (about 40/350 people did so.)

    Later, in 2019, we established a strategy for the next 5 years.

  • Though basically a project within, it was closely aligned with the branding process. (In hindsight, more careful planning would have allowed a better project flow – especially during the testing phase.)

    The key components were:

    • Webdesign (front-end)

    • Systems Infrastructure (back-end)

      • Booking system

      • Payment system,

      • Availability system

  • for our clients & partners (hotels, community members, tour operators, journalists, tourism board etc) once the rebranding is finalized. This entailed:

    Establish communication channels

    Create content (audio-visual)

    Up-skill digital marketing competencies through schoolings

Double Diamond Process Develop Phase

Double Diamond: Develop Phase

Tools used:

  • Mood boards

  • Storytelling

  • Service Blueprint

  • Brainstorming

  • 5+1 W – Questions

  • Scenario- & Context Mapping (Use Cases)

  • Stakeholder Mapping

  • Wire frames

  • Product Matrix

  • BMC

Enabling a smooth IT transition

After having established the brand, it was time to revamp the technological infrastructure.

The major part of this phase, was integrating a new IT environment which focuses on usability, provide multi-functionality and increase resource efficiency.

The main outputs were:

    • Eliminate / substitute if not desirable

    • Combine if similar

    • Modify if desired

    • Extend if necessary

    • Broaden if possible

    We categorized our product offer into five main categories (Ski, Board, Hike, Bike, Climb)

    • administer cash flow (booking- & check-out process, salary systems)

    • guarantee flexibility (member portal for guides)

    • optimize resource management
      (Service offer)

    • measure KPI’s (Booking statistics/ CRM)

    • enable easy alternation (Products, Pricing)

  • We developed a filtering system, that would „guide“ a customer towards a desired product while giving him/ her the possibility to control the parameters.

    This required a complex product analysis and was another process in itself.

    Furthermore, the booking process should be intuitive so our front-desk staff can focus on advising our clients instead.

  • The credo was
    ”Inspire, Dream, Desire, Book”.

    Having now the combined know-how to deliver amazing experiences, every step in the CX-Journey had to fulfill this criteria.

    The organization’s stakeholders on the other hand, would enable these experiences in situ, fulfilling the new slogan

    “Your Adventure is our Mission“.

Double Diamond Process Deliver Phase

Double Diamond: Deliver Phase

Tools used:

  • Wire frames

  • A/B + Usability Testing

  • MVP

  • Solution Feedback

  • Emotional response research

  • Drupal

  • Navision

  • Beat Wälti
    CEO & Managing Director ZERMATTERS

    Sämy Aufdenblatten
    President ZERMATTERS

    Benedikt Perren
    IT Project & Architect Manager & Mountain Guide ZERMATTERS

    Emmanuel Julen
    System Engineer Electronics & Mountain Guide ZERMATTERS

    My humble self
    Design Manager & Snowsports Instructor ZERMATTERS

    Many thanks to our

    Homebase Team:
    Aurélie Bourquin, Lilliane Münger, Celine & Sarah Julen, Dario Perren, Yolanda Biner

    who supported us throughout the process & kept daily operations going

    Local Partners in Zermatt,

    who gave us valuable feedback & needed encouragement

    External Partners:
    Peter Urs Naef (Strategy Advisor),
    Dreamproductions AG (Frontend Development)
    Acommit AG (Backend Development)

    who accompanied us in this process

    and of course to all Members of ZERMATTERS for your trust and inputs!