The Living Lab Association was founded in 2020 as a result of winning the
NTN-Innovation Booster“ powered by Innosuisse.
The association is comprised of a network of ten Living Labs across Switzerland.
Their aim is to co-develop solutions and promote activities for an energy decarbonized future.


This is achieved through a Private & Public People Partnership which builds knowledge by using an Open Innovation approach and Design Thinking methods.


Concept: Open Innovation

Concept: Quadruple Helix Partnership


  • As Design Manager and Research Associate, I was responsible for the Living Lab Capacity building program. Furthermore, I was hired as an external consultant to teach Design Thinking and help the association on their brand development.

  • The Living Lab capacity building program teaches the value of applying a Design Thinking mindset, a Human-Centered Design approach and encourages Open Innovation. The users are the Living Lab Managers and the Teams who engage in this Living Lab Process.

    Due to the pandemic, the format was mainly digital and consisted of a combination between interactive workshops, presentations and educational videos.

  • The main challenge was to understand the association’s needs and give those needs the necessary structure.

    The complex nature of their network required a set of guidelines which allows both maximum independence and cohesive brand recognition.

    How can we marry standardization & individualization?

    Therefore we researched the principles of a social franchise.

    Another challenge was to distinguish my roles as external expert and employee.

    Last but not least, the project management & communication took place in French and required a careful translation of terminology.

    • It is never too early to agree upon a vision & mission statement.

    • The more complex the network, the more sophisticated the brand guidelines need to be in order to align all stakeholders.

    • Coherence and consistency are key.
      It is important that all members of an organization are aligned regarding the organization’s purpose.

    • A well-defined & communicated Design brief is invaluable when outsourcing projects or collaborating with third-parties.

Process & Workflow

The Living Lab Integrative Process is an adaptation of the classic Double Diamond Design Process.

The main difference is that it actively ingrates the user at all stages to co-design a solution.


Living Lab Integrative Process

How Value was created?

Branding Workshops

The client received several tailored workshops addressing the following questions:

  • What is branding (not)?

  • How to build a charismatic Brand?

  • How is brand value measured?

  • What are the branding disciplines?

Innovation Workshops

Many organizations wish to be more innovative but the path can be treacherous. Thus, we assessed:

  • What is value-based innovation?

  • What elements are needed in an innovation process?

  • How to cultivate & orchestrate innovation?

  • How do you measure innovation?

Capacity Building Program

To advocate & teach a Human-Centered Design, we developed a modular course for novices & experts:

  • Module 1: Introduction Course

  • Module 2: Empathize & Define Phase

  • Module 3: Design, Prototype & Test Phase

  • Module 4: Deployment Phase

Workshop impressions

“A living brand is a pattern of behavior, 

not a stylistic veneer.”

– Marty Neumeier, Brand Strategists


In 2021, the Energy Living Lab Association co-financed 13 Projects with 243’764 CHF

Tools & Methods:

  • Stakeholder Mapping

  • Vision / Mission Board

  • Design Principles

  • Explorative Interviews

  • Persona / User Profile

  • How-might-we Questions

  • Context & Network Mapping

  • Brainstorming & Workshops

  • Storytelling

  • Fill the Gap-Statements

  • Prototype & Testing

  • Road Maps

  • Jobs to be done

  • Service Blueprint

  • Brand Architecture

  • Brand Archetypes


“These workshops helped me to understand that a brand is not an identity but a promise. Furthermore, it showed me the importance of how branding creates alignment amongst a Team.”

Florian Bürki, Workshop participant & Treasurer Energy Living Lab Association


“ [Jeremy] developed ideas for improvements in a concrete and achievable manner and contributed to their implementation. Open and flexible, he considered that changes were opportunities and contributed to their success.”

Joëlle Mastelic, President Energy Living Lab Association